Web Hosting
You've designed your website, excellent! So now where do you put it?
Because we want to keep it simple for you, we have only one package that will be just right for your small to medium business or private website.
Your website will be hosted in one of many state of the art data centres all around the world situated at the heart of the internet, making sure your clients don't have to wait for your site to load.
h0st.in WEB
- 1 domain name of your choosing (.co.za - if available)
- 100MB storage
- 1GB/month bandwidth
- 1 email address
How Much?
R 17.00 per month with domain name
If you already have a domain name and would like to link it to our servers, you'll get the same hosting package for only :
R 8.00 per month without domain name
Contact us to know more about other options for your website.
Not Enough ?
Your website is bigger than a 100MB? We can add more storage space for you.
You have so many visitors that you need more bandwidth? Let's get more.
Need more than one email address? No problem!
We customize your package so it fits your needs exactly.
This way you don't have to pay for options you will never use!
Don't hesitate to contact us for a free quote tailored to your needs.